Here are some

pictures from our Christmas meeting.

As well as the usual novelties like a Raffle and a Quiz there was a mini workshop for members who wanted to take part in making a Christmas Stocking.

We had a very successful and enjoyable morning. The next few photographs are of the Pennants some members made in response to the request from the Quilters Guild of the British Isles for 'Pennants for 2012'. It is hoped to be able to give a Pennant to every person competing in the Olympic Games this year in London and of course the Sailing and Watersports here in Weymouth and Portland.

An Exhibition of these Pennants is going to be staged at the Weymouth and Portland Sailing Academy and will be a spectacle to be sure.

We kick off the New Year with a Workshop with Barbara Cheeseman at our January meeting, when she will be instructing us on how to make these charming books. They have an open spine and the page sections are stitched together over ribbon or tape. We are all looking forward to this Workshop as it is something different and will stretch the imagination as to what to use for the covers . These can be made of fabric, patchwork made with fabric or paper or a combination of both or painted papers, anything in fact that springs to mind.

This piece has been made by collageing different types of fabrics and threads and then trapping it all underneath a piece of sheer fabric. This was made by one of our members and is destined to become a sketchbook cover.
Anyone wishing to take part in this workshop please email or leave a comment as there is plenty of room.
There is a new Programme for 2012 in the sidebar.
Looking forward to a New Year full of interesting things to do.